Tooth loss has a huge impact on the health, function, and aesthetics of the smile. It is important to treat tooth loss as soon as possible to regain oral strength and prevent further oral health complications. There are many tooth loss treatments available, but none as beneficial as dental implants. Dental implants are stronger, more durable, and more secure than other dental restorations; they are the best tooth replacement solution. Dental implants address the loss of the roots and crown of a tooth to provide comprehensive restorative treatment.
While anyone who has suffered from tooth loss is a potential dental implant candidate, some patients may need additional procedures to ensure the success of dental implant placement. For instance, dental implants and low sinuses can complicate treatment for some of our Jackson, MS patients. Fortunately, Dr. Kalil Abide can perform a sinus lift prior to dental implant treatment to allow for implant placement and ensure the ultimate success of these restorations.
Sinus Lift Candidates
When patients have lost teeth from the upper premolar or molar area of the jaw, where the sinuses are located, they may need to undergo a sinus lift prior to dental implant treatment. The sinuses sit above the tooth roots and jawbone. However, when tooth loss occurs, the bone from that area of the mouth no longer receives regular stimulation. As a result, the bone can weaken and deteriorate.
When bone loss occurs, it is normal for the sinuses to expand. They tend to lower and fill in the area of space that was once filled with bone tissues. Patients who have suffered bone degeneration, and those with low sinuses are ideal candidates for a sinus lift prior to dental implant treatment.
The Procedure
A sinus lift moves the sinuses to a higher position so that there is ample room for jawbone growth, and, ultimately, plenty of room to place dental implants. This procedure is performed with the patient under local anesthetic, to ensure patient comfort. To start, Dr. Abide will create a small hole in the jawbone. Through this opening, Dr. Abide will be able to use a dental instrument to gently lift the sinuses. Dr. Abide will then place a bone grafting material between the newly lifted sinus cavity and the existing jawbone.
As the patient recovers from this procedure, new bone tissue will grow, and the bone graft will fuse with the natural jawbone. After recovery, which typically takes about six to nine months, the jawbone will be dense and tall enough to support the placement of dental implants. This procedure allows patients with low sinuses to enjoy the many benefits that dental implants have to offer in the treatment of tooth loss.
Schedule an Appointment
Dental implants offer superior strength, comfort, and durability for patients who are in need of tooth loss treatment. If you have questions about the dental implant procedure, or would like to know if you are an ideal candidate for treatment, schedule an appointment with Dr. Kalil Abide at your earliest convenience.